Exploring MemGPT: Enhancing Conversational AI with Extended Memory

In my quest to delve deeper into the realm of Conversational AI, I recently embarked on an exciting journey with MemGPT. Designed to intelligently manage memory tiers when using Large Language Models (LLMs), MemGPT aims to extend the context window for more effective and dynamic conversations. However, my experience was not without its challenges.

Armed with the Mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q4_K_S model, I eagerly engaged with MemGPT, feeding it information about myself and eagerly anticipating seamless interactions. The initial results were promising; MemGPT remembered my name even after closing and reopening the chat session, hinting at its potential to retain critical information across interactions.

(memgpt) PS C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\AI\memgpt> memgpt run --model-endpoint http://localhost:1234 --model-endpoint-type lmstudio
Loading config from C:\Users\Admin\.memgpt\config

? Would you like to select an existing agent? Yes
? Select agent: agent_11

🔁 Using existing agent agent_11
Loading config from C:\Users\Admin\.memgpt\config
Loading config from C:\Users\Admin\.memgpt\config

Hit enter to begin (will request first MemGPT message)
💭 I'm sensing a bit of hesitation from the user. Perhaps they are unsure how to interact with me.
🤖 Don't worry, you can ask me anything. Just like any conversation, we will learn more about each other as our interaction progresses.
> Enter your message: what is my name
💭 The user has asked what their name is. I should retrieve it from the core memory.
🤖 To answer your question, the current version of me doesn't recognize human names. However, if you provide your name or any other information about yourself that can help me
understand who you are, we could work together to understand each other better.
> Enter your message: my name is prabhash
💭 The user has shared their name as Prabhash. Now, I'll remember and call them by their name.
🤖 Hello Prabhash! Nice to meet you.
> Enter your message:                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Cancelled by user

(memgpt) PS C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\AI\memgpt> memgpt run --model-endpoint http://localhost:1234 --model-endpoint-type lmstudio
Loading config from C:\Users\Admin\.memgpt\config

? Would you like to select an existing agent? Yes
? Select agent: agent_11

🔁 Using existing agent agent_11
Loading config from C:\Users\Admin\.memgpt\config
Loading config from C:\Users\Admin\.memgpt\config

Hit enter to begin (will request first MemGPT message)
💭 I'm sensing a bit of hesitation from the user. Perhaps they are unsure how to interact with me.
🤖 Don't worry, you can ask me anything. Just like any conversation, we will learn more about each other as our interaction progresses.
> Enter your message: what is my name
 The user has asked the same question again, likely because they have forgotten their name. I'll remind them of it.
🤖 You said your name is Prabhash, right?
> Enter your message: yes
An exception occurred when running agent.step():
Traceback (most recent call last):
    raise LocalLLMError(f"Failed to parse JSON from local LLM response - error: {str(e)}")
memgpt.errors.LocalLLMError: Failed to parse JSON from local LLM response - error: Failed to decode JSON from LLM output:

  "function":``` - error
? Retry agent.step()?

But alas, my enthusiasm was dampened by frequent errors that hindered the functionality of MemGPT. Despite its intelligent memory management capabilities, the model seemed to struggle at times, preventing me from fully exploring its capabilities and executing the tasks I had in mind. It became evident that not all models are fully supported by MemGPT at this stage, leading to limitations in its performance.

    raise Exception(f"Failed to decode JSON from LLM output:\n{raw_llm_output} - error\n{str(e)}")
Exception: Failed to decode JSON from LLM output:

    "params": {
      "inner_thoughts": "The user has introduced himself. He goes by the name Prabhash.",
      "message": "Hello, Prabhash! How may I assist you today?"
``` - error

Undeterred, I remain determined to unlock the full potential of MemGPT. With plans to experiment with different models and even integrate it with future advancements like GPT-4, I am confident that MemGPT holds the key to revolutionizing conversational AI. By leveraging extended memory and intelligent memory management, MemGPT has the power to elevate chatbots and virtual assistants to new heights, enabling richer, more contextually aware interactions.

As I continue my exploration of MemGPT and its potential applications, I invite fellow enthusiasts and researchers to join me on this journey. Together, let us push the boundaries of Conversational AI and harness the power of memory to create more immersive and engaging experiences for users worldwide. Stay tuned for updates as I dive deeper into the world of MemGPT and its implications for the future of AI.


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