
  1. Introduction
    1. Unlocking the Power of Rust: A Guide to High-Performance, Reliable Programming
    2. Exploring Rust: A Modern Approach to Systems Programming
  2. Write Your First Program
    1. How to Install Rust on Windows: A Step-by-Step Guide
    2. Getting Started with Rust: Anatomy of a Hello World Program
    3. Commenting for Success: Optimizing Rust Code Readability
    4. Streamlining Rust Development with Cargo: A Comprehensive Guide
  3. Primitive Data Types
    1. Declaring Variables
    2. Integer Data Types
    3. Floating-Point Data Types
    4. Arithmetic Operations
    5. Formatting Print Statements
    6. Bitwise Operations
    7. Boolean Data Type and Logical Operations
    8. Comparison Operators
    9. Char Data Type
  4. Compound Data Types
    1. Arrays
    2. Multidimensional Arrays
    3. Tuples
  5. Functions
    1. Function Parameters
    2. Statements vs Expressions
    3. Function Return Values
  6. Program Flow Control
    1. Conditional Execution
    2. Multiple Conditions
    3. Conditional Assignment
    4. Loops
    5. While Loops
    6. For Loops
    7. Nested Loops
  7. Ownership
    1. Variable Scope
    2. Shadowing Variables
    3. Moving, Cloning, and Copying Data
  8. References
    1. Borrowing References and Mutable References
    2. Dangling References
  9. Structs
    1. Defining Structs
    2. Struct Methods
  10. Object-Oriented Programming Features of Rust
  11. Crates
    1. The Rust Standard Library
      1. iter Module
        1. Map
  12. Interoperability
    1. Rust Once, Run Everywhere


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